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Simulation Study on Flue Gas Particle Impacting the Aligned Bare Tube Bundles(PDF)


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Simulation Study on Flue Gas Particle Impacting the Aligned Bare Tube Bundles
Zhou YiWu XinHan Jiguang
School of Energy and Environment,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China
flue gas particlealigned bare tube bundlepassing rateimpacting rate
Simulation study was conducted on flue gas particle impacting the aligned bare tube bundles in AQC ( Air Quenching Chamber) heat recovery steam generator. The effects of transverse and longitudinal spaces of tubes,diameters of tubes and particle velocities on the particles impacting the tubes were investigated. The movement law of the flue gas particles crossing bundles of bare tubes in aligned arrangement was obtained by numerical calculation. The dimensionless relation betweem passing rate and impacting rate was used to represent the relationship with the above factors. The results show that with the increase of the tube diameter and transverse space,the passing rate rises and the impacting rate decreases,and that the passing rate and the impacting rate represent the opposite consequences when the particle velocity and the longitudinal space rises.


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Last Update: 2013-03-21