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RFID Based Precise Classification and Management of Industrial Products on Software Design(PDF)


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RFID Based Precise Classification and Management of Industrial Products on Software Design
Wu WeiYang Jiquan
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
radio frequency identificationclassification and managementmanufacturing executive systemimage recognition motion control
According to the precision and efficiency of mass products classification in the modern manufacture,the paper proposes Radio Frequency Identification technology. An integrated solution is proposed and applied in practice,which combines with Manufacturing Executive System,motion control and machine vision. In order to obtain such a fine,rapid and accurate system on in and out warehouse and classification of products,its software,user interface,and information process subsystem are developed. Moreover,its results and further development are discussed.


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Last Update: 2013-03-11