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BIDEFCE:An Algorithm for Mining Frequently Closed Episodes Based on Bidirectional Extension


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BIDEFCE:An Algorithm for Mining Frequently Closed Episodes Based on Bidirectional Extension
Yuan Hongjuan
School of Mathmatics and Information Technology,Taizhou University,Taizhou 225300,China
non-overlappingminimal occurrencesclosed episodesbidirectional extensiondepth first
In order to avoid maintaining frequent episodes set in event sequences while mining closed frequent episodes and to speed up the progress of mining,this paper puts forward the algorithm BIDEFCE for mining frequent closed episodes based on bidirectional extension.Algorithm BIDEFCE discovers all frequently closed episodes by employing the supportive definition of non-overlapping minimal occurrences and the depth-first search strategy.BIDEFCE uses the forward and backward extension check in the generation of frequent episodes,in order to judge and eliminate non-closed episodes as soon as possible,the other episodes are added into frequently closed episodes superset FCE.The true closed episodes will be reserved after the closure check.Moreover,BIDEFCE saves store space,improves operation efficiency,and avoids maintaining the frequent episodes set at the same time.Experiments have proved that BIDEFCE can effectively mine closed frequent episodes in event sequences.


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Last Update: 2013-12-30