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Wavelet Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Morphology and Average Grads


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Wavelet Image Fusion Algorithm Based on Morphology and Average Grads
Li YingZhu WenyanYuan FeiFeng ShaotongNie Shouping
Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory for Opto-Electronic Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China
image fusionmorphologywavelet transformaverage gradspartial energy
This paper proposes a novel image fusion algorithm based on morphology and average grads in the area of wavelet.The basic idea is to perform image pre-processing by morphology first,and then to decompose the image into low-frequency component and high-frequency component through wavelet transformation.The average-grads and partial energy within the low-frequency are measured to determine the fused low-frequency component,and select the maximal absolute values in high-frequency coefficients to be the fused high-frequency component.Finally,the fusion image is reconstructed by wavelet inverse transform.Experimental results indicate that the algorithm remarkably improves the visual effect of the fused image.


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Last Update: 2013-12-30