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Cooperative Sensing Algorithm Based on Dynamic Double Threshold and DS Evidence Theory(PDF)


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Cooperative Sensing Algorithm Based on Dynamic Double Threshold and DS Evidence Theory
Nie MengyaShao JianhuaLi BaozhuYu Dufa
School of Physics and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China
cognitive radiodouble thresholdDS evidence theorydynamicenergy detection
Considering energy detection algorithm’s shortages and the difference of channel,a cooperative sensing algorithm based on dynamic double threshold and DS theory is proposed to improve the reliability of spectrum sensing and reduce the burden of the cognitive radio network and the fusion center.This algorithm combines double threshold energy detection with DS evidence theory.By using the double threshold energy detection,some CR users obtain the local decision directly.At the same time,the two thresholds can be adjusted adaptively according to the status of channels.DS evidence theory is used in two thresholds that CR users need to send the local decision data to the FC and thus reduce the data transmission.Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that fusion of double threshold and DS evidence theory is better than DS evidence theory and OR criterion.


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Last Update: 2014-06-30