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Research on Thunderstorm Track and ExtrapolationBased on GPU-Acceleration(PDF)


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Research on Thunderstorm Track and ExtrapolationBased on GPU-Acceleration
Wang Xing1Wang Xin2Miao Chunsheng1Wang Jiejun1
(1.School of Atmospheric Science,Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing 210044,China)(2.Huafeng Group of Meteorological Audio and Video Information,CMA,Beijing 100081,China)
optical flow computationOpenCLparallel computingnowcastingradar data
The thunderstorms recognition and tracking based on weather radar is one of the important methods in weather nowcasting. In order to solve the problem that the traditional algorithm is poor real-time,this paper discusses the heterogeneous computing model based on GPU,and presents that parallel the algorithm with OpenCL to achieve high performance. By the methods of branching structure optimization,OpenCL device memory optimization,and optimized for VLIW,this paper expounds the optimization of the algorithm step by step. These methods not only boost the speed of optical flow computation,but also provide a reference for other optimization based on OpenCL heterogeneous computing. We use AMD’s two generations of different architecture of GPU and Intel XEON CPU as a test platform. The tests results show that the computing performance improve 10-18 times under the circumstance of same power consumption.


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Last Update: 2015-03-30