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Study on Application of Microwave Assisted Vacuum Freeze Dryingin the Deacidification of Paper Literature(PDF)


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Study on Application of Microwave Assisted Vacuum Freeze Dryingin the Deacidification of Paper Literature
Gu Yu1Li Chao1Zhang Jinping2Zheng Dongqing2
(1.School of Energy and Mechanical Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China)(2.Nanjing Museum,Nanjing 210042,China)
microwave vacuum dryingvacuum freeze dryinghistoric relicstechnology research
G253.6; TF351.4
Microwave assisted vacuum freeze drying is applied to dry the acid-processed paper literature. Partial parameters of the technology are studied. The difference of freeze drying curve and effects between microwave assisted vacuum freeze drying and traditional vacuum freeze drying are analyzed by comparing the drying process,drying time and the quality of the literature. The results of experiment indicate that the new technology is feasible and effective,the drying efficiency is improved while the drying quality is guaranteed.


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Last Update: 2015-03-30