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Influence of the Spatial Resolution of Remote SensingImages on Water Information Extraction(PDF)


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Influence of the Spatial Resolution of Remote SensingImages on Water Information Extraction
Zhou LeiCui YunxiaWei Yuchun
School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China
spatial resolutionwater body extractionremote sensing imageremote sensing information extraction
With the development of remote sensing technology,the spatial resolution of satellite remote sensing image has increased greatly,which enriches the research of water body in land cover. In this paper,based on the MODIS,Landsat ETM+,SPOT and GeoEye image,water body of the Lushan area is extracted and compared. The paper discusses the image characteristics of water body and analyzes the accuracy of water information extraction from the remote sensing images with different spatial resolution. The results show that the effect of the spatial resolution on extraction of water body in the plain area is small,but the extraction errors will increase with the lower spatial resolution. The ETM+ image in the plains area and the SPOT image in the mountains can meet the accuracy requirements considering the economic costs and time costs.


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Last Update: 2015-12-20