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Research on Cancellation of Parasitic Parameters for EFT Filters(PDF)


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Research on Cancellation of Parasitic Parameters for EFT Filters
Zhu Yiqiang1Liu Xiaoqing2Yan Jingrui2Zhao Yang2
(1.Wuhu Institute of Technology,Wuhu 241000,China)(2.School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China)
electric fast brustfilterparasitic parameters
With the rapid development of high-speed digital printed circuit,radio frequency identification systems,and RF devices,a lot of electromagnetic interference generated by electronic equipment cases have serious effect on the normal operation of other equipment,or even misuse and other problems. Office of the State Food and Drug Administration officially determines electromagnetic compatibility standards for medical equipment YY 0505-2012 which was formally implemented on January 1,2014,so medical products,anti-jamming capability for EFT(Electrical Fast Transient)has become one of the key problem. This paper studies the energy distribution of EFT interference signal and the method of Cancellation of Parasitic Parameters for single element,a method is proposed to improve the filter characteristic of EFT filter at higher frequency and finally an experiment is made to prove the method.


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Last Update: 2016-06-30