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The Technology of Diagnosis Research on the Problem of Conductive Electromagnetic Interference Based on Multi Function Atomizer(PDF)


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The Technology of Diagnosis Research on the Problem of Conductive Electromagnetic Interference Based on Multi Function Atomizer
Tao Yibin1Tao Wei2Zhao Yang2Wu Bin2Zhang Tao2
(1.China Electric Power Science Research Institute,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 211106,China)(2.School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China)
multi-function atomizerpower portconductive EMI noise
According to the electromagnetic interference of the multi function atomizer EMI(Electromagnetic interference,EMI),the EMI conduction noise generation and harassment mechanism are analysed,the processing methods are studied,and solutions are put forward for multifunctional atomizer power supply input port of conducted EMI noise problems. The experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively inhibit the multifunctional atomizer conduction high frequency noise and meet the standard GB 9254 requirements.


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Last Update: 2016-09-30