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Research on Multiple Grounding Fault Detection of DirectCurrent System Based on PTR2000 Module(PDF)


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Research on Multiple Grounding Fault Detection of DirectCurrent System Based on PTR2000 Module
Dai YongBai YingjieZhang Hua
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
direct current system detectionultra low dual frequency AC signalPTR2000 modulewireless data transmission
Direct current system is an extremely important power system in power factory and transformer substation,and the power supply network made up of it is a network of complex and multiple parallel branches. In the meantime,accountability and safety of the DC system itself have a direct impact on the safety of the whole power system. In light of the influences of distribution capacitors on detection resulting in the DC grounding fault detection,the paper designs an ultra-low dual frequency AC signal injection method. Configured with wireless communication module PTR2000 and self-defined wireless communication protocol adapted to the alleged system,it achieves wireless multiple-point data collection and transmission. This paper conducts tests and remote transmission of grounding resistance and capacitance value,and the results verify validity and feasibility of the design.


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Last Update: 2017-06-30