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Operation Risk Assessment of Power System with Photovoltaic Power Stations(PDF)


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Operation Risk Assessment of Power System with Photovoltaic Power Stations
Xu QianchenWang QiZhang WenqiJiang NingqiuChen LiangerLu Bin
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
photovoltaic power stationoperation risknon-sequential Monte Carlorisk index
With the randomness and instability of the supply of photovoltaic power station,power grid is likely to have the problem of operational risk when connected to it,and different operations and configurations of the photovoltaic power station also have different influences on the power system. Therefore the paper presents a risk assessment method based on non-sequential Monte Carlo method to perform accurate assessment and analyze the operation risk of the photovoltaic power station on the power system. Firstly,non-sequential Monte Carlo method is used to simulate the solar irradiance distribution and establish the stochastic output model of photovoltaic power station. Then random sampling of the operating states of the whole system and output of the photovoltaic power station are carried out and the AC/DC power flow calculation is carried out and the risk index of power system with photovoltaic power stations is calculated on the basis of the risk theory. Finally,the IEEE-RTS24 system is simulated to verify the reliability and feasibility of the method.


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Last Update: 2017-09-30