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Influence and Suppression of Conducted EMI from DriveVoltage Overshoot on the Actuator Systems(PDF)


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Influence and Suppression of Conducted EMI from DriveVoltage Overshoot on the Actuator Systems
Wang ZhuangLü HongChen Yang
(Nanjing Research Institute on Simulation Technique,Nanjing 20016,China)
actuator systemsgate drive voltageovershootnoise suppression
The actuator systems of UAV use PWM technology to drive electromechanical actuators,the drive circuit is to bridge inverter circuit composed of MOSFET. Drive voltage overshoot occurs during driving process,which can contribute conducted EMI emissions to the entire systems. To solve this problem,the mechanism of drive voltage overshoot and EMI to the actuator systems is analyzed firstly. Then,a method is proposed to add a capacitor at the power supply end of the driver circuit to suppress voltage overshoot. Finally,with the combination of simulations and an experiment,the effectiveness of the EMI suppression method is verified.


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Last Update: 2019-12-31