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Research on Energy Consumption Optimization Considering Elastic Constraints of Air-Conditioning Loads(PDF)


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Research on Energy Consumption Optimization Considering Elastic Constraints of Air-Conditioning Loads
Pei MinxiBao YuqingLiu Qiliang
(NARI School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)
air conditioning loadsoptimization strategymixed linear integer programmingcomfort variableselastic constraints
With the power imbalance problem on the supply and demand side,air conditioning loads(ACLs)can participate in the optimization of the power system as flexible load resources. Making full use of the thermodynamic characteristics of ACLs can not only exert optimization effect of ACLs,but also ensure the comfort of users. Existing optimization methods define the thermodynamic constraints of the ACLs as rigid constraints. In this paper,the rigid comfort variables are relaxed,and an optimization strategy considering elastic constraints is proposed to meet the serious load shedding demand. By introducing auxiliary variables,the relationships between comfort variables and auxiliary variables are redefined as elastic constraints,and penalty costs are added to the objective function. Finally,the optimal solution is obtained by mixed linear integer programming. The optimization results show that the load optimization results based on elastic constraints have more peak loads. Both simulation results of inverter ACLs and fixed frequency ACLs show the effectiveness of the proposed method.


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Last Update: 2023-06-15