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Age Operator Deep Sparse Fusion Extension of the Expression Recognition(PDF)


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Age Operator Deep Sparse Fusion Extension of the Expression Recognition
Chen BinFan FeiyanZhang Rui
(Informatization Office, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, China)
expression recognition deep sparse fusion extension age operator machine learning convolutional neural network
In order to solve the trait differences in expression characteristics of people at different ages, the age operator deep sparse fusion extended expression recognition model is proposed. The model uses the form of linear dictionary sequence as sparse input signal, the input object with linear combination of training set, and select the optimal solution, further by convolutional neural network convolution, pooling and full connection processing, through fusion extension strategy to solve the problem of data set similarity, insufficient quantity and uneven distribution, and on the basis of combining age operator as characteristic elements and expression features extraction and as the basis of classification decision. Through deep sparse fusion extension, the age operator anthropometric model, internal angle structure and skin wrinkles detection as expression feature extraction additional factors. The multiple data set experiment results prove the effectiveness and stability of the algorithm across data sets, and the representative across age expression classification algorithm transverse comparison proves the advantages of the algorithm. This method has good effects on the accuracy and robustness of cross-age expression recognition, and has certain research value and reference significance.


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Last Update: 2023-09-15