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Research on Sequence Alignment Algorithm Based on Optimized BWT Indexing Technique(PDF)


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Research on Sequence Alignment Algorithm Based on Optimized BWT Indexing Technique
Hu Chunling1Zhao Junjie2Yao Mengyuan1Gao Huanhuan1Zhu Yihang1Wang Shaohong1
(1.School of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data,Hefei University,Hefei 230031,China)
(2.School of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450001,China)
sequence alignmentBWT indexdifference cover mod 3suffix array
Large-scale gene sequence alignment is the most important fundamental problem in bioinformatics. Based on the mainstream research of BWT index technology,the paper proposes a new multi-order mixed BWT index method,which dynamically selects the appropiate multi-bit indexing according to the length of the sequence to be compared. The experimental results show that the improved method can effectively reduce the number of comparison and calculation times,reduce the time complexity of the index algorithm,and significantly improve the efficiency of sequence comparison. In the process of constructing BWT(S)string,this paper uses DC3(difference cover mod 3)algorithm to construct the suffix array. Experiments show that DC3 algorithm has better time performance compared to Binary Lifting.


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Last Update: 2024-12-15