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Research on Autonomous Control Strategies forDistributed Generation Voltage(PDF)


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Research on Autonomous Control Strategies forDistributed Generation Voltage
Li Hengzhen1Xie Zhiwen1Wu Shuhong1Fan Xinming1Liu Zhilu1Zhao Yang2
(1.Foshan Power Supply Bureau of China Southern Power Grid,Foshan 528000,China)(2.School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China)
distributed generationautonomous control of voltagedevice’s test
TM461; TN03
The paper designs effective control strategies for the autonomous device of 50 kW distributed generation voltage. On the support of the power frequency and network voltage in grid-connected operation,the author puts constant voltage controllers,constant current controllers and VF controllers on AC/DC side in the light of input & output power,DC side voltage or charging & discharging current,and puts constant pressure controllers and constant current controllers on DC/DC side. The paper builds a testing platform to conduct actual measurements of the autonomous device of distributed generation voltage under the control strategies designed here. The inductive reactive voltage derating experiment and capacitive reactive voltage boosting experiment have proven that the device possesses fine noise immunity of reactive power variation,and the stability test of DC-bus voltage has proven that the device’s voltage is highly stable.


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Last Update: 2016-12-31