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Color Image Enhancement Combining Human VisualCharacteristics with Fuzzy Set Theory(PDF)


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Color Image Enhancement Combining Human VisualCharacteristics with Fuzzy Set Theory
Yun HaijiaoDong YubingWang Xiaoli
School of Electronic Information Engineering,Changchun University,Changchun 130022,China
image enhancementhuman visual characteristicsfuzzy set theoryglobal brightness modulationlocal contrast enhancement
Aiming at low illumination and contrast of color images,we propsose a novel global brightness modulation and local contrast adaptive enhancement method combined with human visual characteristics and fuzzy set theory. Firstly,through nonlinear global brightness mapping model to adjust the dynamic range of the images,the color images transform from RGB color space into HSV color space,which improves the overall level of image brightness. Next,according to fuzzy set theory,it establishes membership function to adjust the local contrast of image details nonlinearly. Finally,the enhanced images are transformed from HSV color space into RGB color space,restoring color space. Experimental results show that this algorithm has an excellent enhancement effect,which can enhance the global brightness and local contrast,and improve visibility of low illumination image.


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Last Update: 2018-09-30