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A Control Method of Demand Response Based on Frequency Variation Rate(PDF)


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A Control Method of Demand Response Based on Frequency Variation Rate
Ye ZijianBao YuqingLiu QiliangLi XiaoyanZhang HuilinZhou Jin
School of NARI Electrical and Automation,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
load frequency controldemand responsegrid-friendly device
Focusing more on the theoretical calculation,this paper proposes a method to realize demand response in primary frequency control. In this method,the frequency and the frequency variation rate are used to calculate the disturbance’s amplitude and critical value,by which the load of required demand response can be obtained. This part of load is then temporarily closed to assist power system frequency regulation. Simulation experiments verify that the proposed method can accurately calculate the demand response load,which is more conducive to the stability of system frequency.


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Last Update: 2018-09-30