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A Novel and Inexpensive Programmable DC Power Design(PDF)


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A Novel and Inexpensive Programmable DC Power Design
Xu WeiweiGao SongSun ChenchenCheng JieYe WenwuXu Yinlin
School of Physics and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China
wide rangehigh resolutionhigh powerlow costDC power
Wide range,high resolution and high power output are difficulties of a programming power design. A scheme is designed by means of high-resolution digital-analog converter to adjust the switching regulator circuit,while the feedback circuit makes use of high-resolution analog-digital converter to monitors the size of the output voltage indirectly,thus achieving a closed loop programmable high-resolution wide range,high-power DC power. The scheme uses the STM32 as a control core,and uses its on-chip 12 bit digital-analog converter and analog-digital converter and low-voltage switching regulator LM2596S specifically to achieve a high-resolution wide-range programmable high-power and inexpensive DC power. The circuit design has the advantages of small size,stable output,easiness to use and so on.


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Last Update: 2018-09-30