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A Blind Area Data Warning Method Based on Adaptive Window(PDF)


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A Blind Area Data Warning Method Based on Adaptive Window
Jin XianliGao JunleShen Yizhou
School of Computer Science,Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Nanjing 210023,China
adaptive windowearly warning in the blind spotfinite state machine
A blind zone is easy to occur in regional monitoring due to obstacle obstruction,unstable device induction and other factors,which results in inaccurate warning of mobile media. This paper proposes an adaptive window blind-zone data warning method(BDWM). This method establishes the data warning model of moving zone and the warning mechanism based on the perceived conditions and constraint relationships. It reduces the error rate of the blind zone by adjusting the warning threshold,and reasons the effective warning state using the finite state machine. The warning mechanism is applied to the RFID data warning experiment. The experimental results have shown that BDWM can effectively reduce the error rate of the blind zone.


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Last Update: 2018-12-30