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An Automatic Extraction Algorithm for Terraced FieldsBased on UAV High Precision DEM Data(PDF)


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An Automatic Extraction Algorithm for Terraced FieldsBased on UAV High Precision DEM Data
Zhao Fei123Xiong Liyang123Yao Jin4Fang Xuan1235Dai Wen123Tang Guoan123
(1.Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment of Ministry of Education,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.School of Geography,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(3.Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographi
DEMterraced extractionhigh precision DEM of UAV
This paper proposes an automatic extraction algorithm for terraced fields based on DEM slope characteristics. Firstly,one-meter resolution DEM is obtained with the basis of UAV aerial survey technology,and slope is calculated on this basis. Meanwhile,terrace line is located in the maximum area of slope digital terrain model. Secondly,the slope flow simulation algorithm is used to extract the extreme value region. Finally,the extraction results are masked to eliminate the non-terraced areas,and the final terraced extraction results are obtained. Taking Wangdonggou watershed in Changwu County of Shaanxi Province as an experimental sample area,the experimental results are compared with the results of terrace extraction,which are labeled by visual interpretation based on remote sensing image,or extracted from illumination model of DEM shading. The comparison results show that the accuracy of this method is 90.67%. Compared with true value of visual interpretation,it has a higher extraction accuracy. Compared with the results of illumination model of DEM shading,this method can provide more complete and continuous result of terrace. The rapid extraction method and results of the terrace can provide a basis for the research of soil and water conservation,agricultural development and ecological environment control.


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Last Update: 2020-05-15