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Spatial-Temporal Evolution Characteristics and Driving Factors ofTourism Economic Connection in the Yangtze River Delta(PDF)


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Spatial-Temporal Evolution Characteristics and Driving Factors ofTourism Economic Connection in the Yangtze River Delta
Zhu Anqi1Cao Fangdong1Zhou Chunlin12
(1.School of Geography,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.Nanjing Institute of Tourism and Hospitality,Nanjing 211100,China)
tourism economic connectionsocial network analysisspatial structurespace-time evolutiondriving factor
Based on the modified gravity model,using the social network analysis,QAP correlation analysis and GIS visualization technology,this article explores the spatial-temporal evolution characteristics and influencing factors of the tourism economic contact network of the Yangtze River Delta. The results show the economic connection degree of tourism continues to increase,the network scope continues to expand,and the structure changes from single growth pole(Shanghai)to multi-growth pole. Driven by Shanghai,Nanjing and Hangzhou,the number of cities in the network center position is increasing. The resource control positions of Shanghai and Nanjing are declining,and the cities with the role of network bridge are gradually developing into a piece. The cities with better accessibility and close external ties are gradually emerging. And a piece of triangle core area with Shanghai,Nanjing and Hangzhou as the top point is formed. The developmental mode of the Yangtze River Delta is gradually stable and mature,and the relationship among the subgroups is increasingly close. Shanghai and Northern Zhejiang are developing jointly,and Nanjing and Eastern Anhui are developing jointly. The Yangtze River Delta tourism economic contact network will be affected by the level of urban development,tourism development and traffic convenience.


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Last Update: 2020-12-15