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Research and Application of Cross Sampling on Complex Network(PDF)


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Research and Application of Cross Sampling on Complex Network
Liu Shengjiu1Wu Xiaobing1Cao Xiaoping2Wang Ying1Ou Minghui1
(1.Big Data and Internet of Things School,Chongqing Vocational Institute of Engineering,Chongqing 402260,China) (2.School of Artifical Intelligence,Chongqing Creation Vocational College,Chongqing 402160,China)
complex networknetwork samplingcross samplingmixed samplingnetwork parameter
Among the analysis and research of complex network, in view of the traditional network sampling being mainly on sample the nodes and edges of complex network independently, this paper firstly proposes cross sampling by sample the nodes or edges of the complex network twice independently, and then calculate the parameters of the original network by sampling network. On cross sampling, four cross sampling methods including point cross sampling, edge cross sampling, point mixed sampling and edge mixed sampling are analyzed and verified on ER, WS and BA network models. The results show that the average degree, average path length, network diameter, transitivity clustering coefficient, WS clustering coefficient, and network dimension of the original network can be calculated by cross sampling, while that the point mixed sampling is the best cross sampling method.


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Last Update: 2023-03-15