 WEN Yimin,LIAO Hongyuan,ZHOU Lihua.A Hierarchical and Parallel Support Vector Machines Algorithm for Reducing the Training Time[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2005,05(01):008-11.





A Hierarchical and Parallel Support Vector Machines Algorithm for Reducing the Training Time
湖南工业职业技术学院信息工程系, 湖南长沙410007
WEN Yimin LIAO Hongyuan ZHOU Lihua
Department of Information Engineering, Hunan Industry Polytechnic, Hunan Changsha 410007, China
分层筛选 支持向量机 交叉合并
h ie rarch ica l filtering support vectorm ach ines cross- comb in ing
基于支持向量的本质和并行计算方法,提出了一种新的分层并行的机器学习方法以加速支持向量机的训练过 程.该方法首先按照分而治之的思想将原分类问题分成若干子问题,然后将支持向量机的训练过程分解成级联的两个层次, 在每层采用并行的方法训练各个子支持向量机.各层训练集中的非支持向量被逐步筛选掉,交叉合并的规则保证问题的一 致性.仿真结果表明该方法在保证分类器推广能力的同时,缩短了训练支持向量机的时间.
Based on the essence of suppo rt vec to rs and pa ra lle l a lgor ithm, the paper proposes a nove l strategy of filtering the tra in ing sam ples in a hierarchica l and para llel w ay to speed up the tra ining o f support vector m ach ines ( SVM s). Dur ing the training pro cess, the entire c lassifica tion problem is d iv ided into several sm a ll sub- problem s that can be handled in a para llel w ay. H av ing h ie rarch ically filtered out the non- support-vec to r data, w e can obta in the final training data se t, wh ich is used to tra in a SVM tha t w ill be used as the final pattern c lassifie r. In order to keep the consistency, the cross- comb ining pr inciple is introduced. The simu la tion resu lts illustrate that ourm ethod speeds up tra in ing wh ilem a inta in ing the genera lization accuracy o f SVM s


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基金项目: 湖南省青年骨干教师资助项目(湘教通[ 2001] 204号) .
作者简介: 文益民( 1969 - ) , 上海交通大学博士研究生, 副教授, 主要从事统计理论、生物信息学等方面的教学与研究.E-m ail:y im in-w en@ 163. com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-29