 LI Chuantong.Experimental Investigation on Thermoselect Process of Hospital Solid Wastes[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2005,05(01):012-15.





Experimental Investigation on Thermoselect Process of Hospital Solid Wastes
南京师范大学动力工程学院 江苏南京210042
LI Chuantong
School of Power Engineering, Nanjing Normal University, Jiangsu Nanjing 210042, China
医院固体废弃物 热选 实验研究
hospita l so lid w astes the rmoselect exper im enta l investiga tion
利用先进的热选方法对中国医院常见的固体废弃物进行了实验研究,通过对常见医院固体废弃物热选实验研 究,得到了相应医院固体废弃物的热选气体产物的成份组成和析出规律.在本文实验的升温速率范围内(≤50℃/min),达到 相同的最终加热温度时,不同升温速率下的最终挥发份析出量相差约为1%~5%.4种典型医院固体废物热选特性的实验 结果表明,当试样加热至600℃时,挥发份可析出70%以上,再继续升温,试样的释重速率下降;重量变化趋于缓慢.因此,用 热选技术处理医院固体废弃物时的运行温度控制在500~600℃较为合适.随着热选温度的升高,热选产物中的H2含量逐 渐上升,而CO2随之不断下降,而CH4在500~600℃之间是逐渐上升的,但在600℃以上却略有下降;CO在热选实验温度范 围内是逐渐上升的,但上升趋势逐渐变得缓慢.热选气体产物的热值随热选温度而变化,在600℃左右有一极大值.为了获得 较高热值的热选气体产物,使热选温度保持在600℃左右是十分合适的.纸质药品包装材料和医用棉纱的挥发份的热值在 13~17MJ/Nm3之间,而有机药品包装材料和一次性有机输液管挥发份的热值在21~27MJ/Nm3之间.因此,医院固体废弃 物的热选产物可以作为民用或发电厂的燃料,为医院固体废弃物作为再生能源进行合理利用提供了可靠的依据, 为开发适合中国医院固体废弃物的热选技术提供了实验数据.
In o rder to dispose hosp ital so lid w astes (H SW ) as new resources w ithou t hazards, the comm on HSW are studied exper im enta lly w ith the advanced process o f therm ose lect. The com position o f gaseous products and the ir release pr inciples are obtained in the process of therm ose lect. In the experim enta l temperature increase rate rang e ( less than 50e /m in) , the amounts of the end vo la tilem atters re lease have differences between 1% ~ 5% when the temperature reaches the sam e value at different temperature increase rates. The thermoselect character istics o f the four k inds of representa tiveH SW ind ica te tha t, when the sam ple are heated to 600℃ , 70% of the volatilem a tters are released, and that as tem pera ture goes up, thew e ight lo ss ra te goes dow n, the w eigh ts change slow ly. The re fo re, the operation temperature o f the thermo se lect o fH SW shou ld be contro lled betw een 500~ 600℃ . As the tem pera tures o f thermo se lect rise, theH 2 content g radually increases, the CO2 conten t goes down, wh ile the CH 4 conten t goes up betw een 500~ 600℃ , but a fter 600e tends to go down s lightly, and the CO content r ises gradua lly but m ore and m ore sm oo thly. The heat va lues o f the resultants o f the therm ose lect decreasew ith the change of therm ose lect temperature, but have a m ax im um at about 600℃ . In order to obta in therm ose lect gases w ith higher hea t va lues, the temperature o f therm ose lect shou ld be kept at 600e or so. The heat v alue of the gases from cotton g auzes and pape r packag ing m ater ia ls therm ose lec t ranges between 13~ 17M J /Nm 3, and that o f expendab le transfusion tubes and o rganic packag ing m ater ia ls therm ose lect ranges between 21~ 27M J /Nm3, therefore, these therm oselect g ases can be used as the fue ls for civ il and pow er p lant use, which lays reliable basis fo r rationa lw ide utilization o fH SW as renew ab le energy source, and prov ides exper imenta l basis fo r the deve lopm ent o f therm ose lect process su itab le forHSW in China


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基金项目: 南京师范大学“211工程”资助项目(1240702507). .
作者简介: 李传统( 1954 - ) , 博士, 教授, 主要从事能源与环境工程方面的教学与研究. E-m ail:lict2003@ hotm ail. com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-29