 ZHANG Yunpeng~,WEI Weihua~,SUN Yan~,et al.Study on the Land Trade and the Information Service of the Price of Land,Based on the Technology of WebGIS[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2006,06(01):091-94.





Study on the Land Trade and the Information Service of the Price of Land,Based on the Technology of WebGIS
张云鹏1 魏卫华2 孙燕1 朋洁洲1
1. 南京师范大学地理科学学院, 江苏南京210097; 2. 杭州数城科技有限公司, 浙江杭州310012
ZHANG Yunpeng~1WEI Weihua~2SUN Yan~1BEN Jiezhou~1
1.School of Geographical Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China;2.Hangzhou Shucheng Technology Company Limited,Hangzhou 310012,China
WebGIS ArcIMS 空间数据
W ebG IS ArcIMS spatia l data
W ebG IS是Internet技术应用于G IS开发的产物,是G IS功能在W eb上的实现.它使得互连网上的用户只要通过浏览器(如IE,Netscape等)就可以浏览W ebG IS站点中的电子地图,进行地理信息的空间分析和空间查询,使人们通过W eb浏览查询空间信息更为方便.当前,W ebG IS技术在国内外发展迅速,出现了很多W ebG IS平台,典型的包括:ESR I公司的Ar-cIMS、MapInfo公司的MapX trem e、AutoD esk公司的MapGu ide,国产的SuperMap IS、Geobeans、Geosurf等.国内也已经出现了一些成功的W ebG IS网站,如:图行天下、般若科技、金坐标、MapABC等.它们实现W ebG IS功能的方法各有不同,本文以江苏土地市场网(www.land js.com)为例,阐述了以ArcIMS作为地图发布服务器,以ArcSDE作为空间数据库引擎,利用AO(ArcOb-ject)技术,结合客户端JavaScript脚本实现地图的发布、空间查询和地图图层编辑等功能的主要过程.
W ebGIS is the integration o f Internet and G IS, and it is a realization o fG IS onW eb. Us ingW ebGIS, peop le could brow se the spac ia l da ta and the spec ia lm ap wh ile ana ly ze the spac ial da ta onW eb w ith the brow se r ( such as IE and Ne tscape). Today, the techno logy development o fW ebG IS is speedy in thew or ld. There arem any fram ew ork forW ebG IS, such as ArcIM S o f ESRI, M apX trem e, M apInfo o rM apGuide of Au toDesk and som e nationa lm anufac tures( SuperM ap IS, Geobeans and Geosurf) . There are a lso som e successfu lW eb Sta tions, for examp le M ap o f Wo rld、Sc ience o f NuoPan、Golden Coordinate、M apABC and so on. There are d ifferences betw een them in func tion. Th is paper expounds the who le pro cess o fW ebG IS, wh ich is using theM apW eb Se rv ice o fA rcIM S, the spatia l Eng ine o f ArcSDE, the techno logy o f ArcOb jec t and javascr ipt in theW eb Station o f  www. landjs. com.


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作者简介: 张云鹏( 1980-) , 硕士研究生, 主要从事GIS应用在土地管理方面的学习和研究. E-m ail: coolkey@ 163. com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-29