 ZHANG Guofang~.Investigation on Water Atomization in Oil Flow with Numerical Simulation Method[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2006,06(03):031-35.





Investigation on Water Atomization in Oil Flow with Numerical Simulation Method
章国芳1 2 袁竹林2
1. 河海大学机电工程学院, 江苏常州213022;
2. 东南大学洁净煤发电及燃烧技术教育部重点实验室, 江苏南京210096
ZHANG Guofang~
1,2),YUAN Zhulin~2
雾化 VOF方法 数值模拟
atom ization VOF m ethod num er ica l simu lation
基于一种制取流体冰的新方法,对水在流动的互不相溶的油介质中的雾化机理进行了三维数值模拟,求解连续性方程和动量守恒方程并考虑重力及表面张力的影响,对压力速度耦合采用PISO(Pressure Implicit Splitting Operators)算法,利用VOF(Volum e of Flu id)方法中的PLIC(P iecew ise L inear Interface Construction)技术追踪水与油介质之间的移动界面,模拟多种情况下的流动状况,分析了水在喷口处的流速、油的入口流速以及喷口直径对于雾化水滴大小的影响.模拟结果表明,雾化形成的水滴平均直径随水在喷口处的流速增加而增大,随油的入口流速的增加而减小;喷口直径越大,水滴的平均直径越大.
Based on a new me thod to produce flu id ice, w ater atom ization in imm iscible o il flow is sim ulated num er-i cally in th is paper. A se t o f three-dim ensional trans ient conservation equa tions o fm ass and m om entum a re estab lished by tak ing surface tens ion and g rav itational fo rce e ffects into consideration. The governing equations are so lved by using Pressure Im plic it Splitting Operators ( PISO) a lgor ithm. The vo lum e-o-f flu id ( VOF) m ethod in con junction w ith them ult-i d im ensiona l p iecew ise linear inte rface construction ( PLIC) is app lied to characterize the behav ior of w ateroil interfacem ovem en t. The flow phenomena in d ifferent w ork ing cond itions are researched. The results o f sim ulation show that the average atom iza tion diam eter ofw ate r droplets increases w ith the v eloc ity of wa ter and decreasesw ith the veloc ity o f o i,l and it increases w ith the diam e ter o f atom iza tion p ipe.


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作者简介: 章国芳( 1981-) , 女, 硕士研究生, 主要从事多相流动数值模拟的学习和研究. E-m ail:zhan99 f@f 163. com
通讯联系人: 袁竹林( 1955-) , 教授, 博士生导师, 主要从事气固两相流数值模拟计算的研究. E-m ail: zlyuan@ seu. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-29