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Surface Initiated Reverse ATRP to Prepare Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Composite Catalyzed by NiCl2/PPh3 System
俞 梅1 俞 娥2
1. 兰州城市学院中专部, 甘肃兰州730070; 2. 兰州大学化学化工学院, 甘肃兰州730000
Yu Mei1Yu E2
1.Specialized Middle School Department,Lanzhou City College,Lanzhou 730070,China;2.School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou 730000,China
纳米SiO2 NiCl2/PPh3 反向ATRP 有机/无机杂化材料
nano-s ilica n icke l based cata lyst ( N iC l2 /PPh3 ) reverseATRP o rganic / inorgan ic hybrid com po site
In th is w ork, reve rse a tom transfe r radical po lym eriza tion o fm ethy lm e thacry late w as investiga ted by using the perox ide g roups treated nano-silica as the in itiato r and N iC l2 /PPh3 as the n ickel based cata ly st. The introduction of perox ide groups on to the silica surface w as ach ieved by the reaction of hydrogen perox ide w ith chloro sily l g roups, w hich w ere introduced by the treatm ent of silica w ith th ionyl ch lo ride. The results indicate tha t through contro l the relationsh ip o f N i2+ and N i+ , the po lym er ization w as close ly controlled and partly has the cha racter istic of / liv ing0 / contro lled radica l polym er ization. H ydro lysis o f silica co res by hydro fluoric ac id treatment enabled characteriza tion o f cleaved po lym er us ing GPC. TheGPC ana lys is ind ica ted tha t theM nGPC of PMMA ( g ra fted) inc reases linea rly w ith the increase o f conversion and them o lecularw e ight d istributions are re la tive ly na rrow. The k inetics o f the po lym er ization show ed one order, suggesting that the active spec ies kept constant during the polym e rization. AFM results ind-i cate thatw e l-l de fined po lyme r cha ins w ere g rown from the nanopartic le surfaces to y ield indiv idua l partic les com posed of a s ilica core and aw e l-l de fined oute r po lym e r lay er


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基金项目: 甘肃省自然科学基金( 3ZS042 - B25 - 049)资助项目.
作者简介: 俞 梅( 1979-) , 女, 助教, 主要从事纳米材料的教学与研究. E-ma il:yum ei0931@ 126. com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-29