 Cao Guohua,Li Tingting.An Improved PSO Algorithm for Function Optimization[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2007,07(02):010-13.





An Improved PSO Algorithm for Function Optimization
曹国华1 李婷婷2
1. 南京师范大学电气与自动化工程学院, 江苏南京210042; 2. 镇江市丹徒职业教育中心, 江苏镇江212143
Cao Guohua 1Li Tingting2
1.School of Electric and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China;2.Teaching Center in Dantu District,Zhenjiang 212143,China
改进微粒群算法 函数优化 梯度法
im proved PSO function optim ization g rads a lgo rithm
针对微粒群算法PSO(Particle Swarm Optimization)应用于函数优化存在的问题,提出一种加入了梯度信息改进的微粒群算法.微粒群算法用于函数的优化,具有简单、效果好等优点.但是研究也表明该方法也存在着一些缺点,如计算时间较长、容易陷入局部最小等,这是由于算法本身的随机性决定的.梯度法是传统的优化方法,典型的特征是在确定优化解的方向时遵循梯度下降原则,因此在寻找优化值时方向比较确定,可以减少优化时间.为了克服PSO的缺点,在标准PSO优化策略中引入梯度原则,设计了一个具有梯度指导的PSO算法.现将改进的PSO算法应用于函数的优化,并与标准PSO算法的效果进行了比较.函数优化实验的结果表明,改进的PSO算法提高了标准PSO算法的收敛时间.
For the problem s appeared in the function optim ization o f the Particle Swarm Optim iza tion a lgo rithm ( PSO), an im proved PSO a lgor ithm attached by the grad inform ation is proposed in this pape r. The PSO a lgo rithm can be used in the problem s of function optim ization w ith characteristic o f simp lic ity, h igh e ffectiveness and so on. The prim ary study, however, show s that the op tim ization m ethod has som e sho rtcom ing s such as slow com puting speed, easiness to fa ll in local peak in la rge sca le prob lem, w hich is dete rm ined by the random ness of the algor ithm. The grad m ethod is a k ind o f trad itional optim ization m ethod and has the charac teristic that it is along the descend ing g rad direction o f optim iza tion va lues. So the grad me thod can reduce the tim e fo r the optim iza tion va lues because the d irec tion for optim a l values is determ ined by the g rad o f g rad algorithm. In o rder to overcom e the disadvantages of the standard PSO a lgor ithm, the princ ip le of grads m ethod w as inc luded in PSO a lgor ithm. Therefore, theG rads-PSO a-l go rithm ( regulated by grad m ethod) was proposed in this paper. The Grads-PSO algor ithm w as used in the optim ization o f function in this paper. The results obta ined by the Grads-PSO hav e been com pared by the ones o f the standard PSO a lgor ithm. The simu la tion resu lts show tha t the improved PSO a lgor ithm reduces the compu ting speed o f the standard PSO algor ithm.


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作者简介: 曹国华( 1963-) , 副教授, 主要从事检测技术与自动化装置等方面的教学与研究. E-m ail: cgh@ m ail.nsgk. net
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-29