 Li Chuantong.An Experimental Study on Operating Features of Underground Coal Gasification Power Generation System[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2007,07(04):028-32.





An Experimental Study on Operating Features of Underground Coal Gasification Power Generation System
南京师范大学动力工程学院 江苏南京210042
Li Chuantong
School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
煤炭地下气化 内燃机 气体净化 发电系统
underg round coa l g asification interna l combustion eng ine gas c leaning power gene ration system
Th is paper introduces the techn ica l flow o f the underground coa l gasification( UCG), the ma in com ponents of the gas produc ts and the ir heat va lues measured in UCG wh ich is carr ied out by two coa lm ines belong ing to Shandong X inw en Coa lm inesG roup. Not on ly are the c leaned UCG gas products used as househo ld fue l for the 25 000 families liv ing in them in ing area, but a lso as fue l fo r pow er generation of the genera to r set w ith the in ternal combustion eng inewhose sing le rated pow er is 400 kW. Practical operating results indicate that the fue l consumption increases by 15% ~ 20% due to carbon deposit caused by insufficien t combustion in the cy linders. H ence, th is paper puts fo rw ard an effective c lean ing flow fo rUCG, studies the im pac ts o f the operating pa rame ters o f the generator set on its ou tput and the opera ting features of theUCG pow er gene ration system s. A conclusion is draw n that theUCG interna l combustion eng ine generators can run over 4 500 hours continuously when the low hea t-value in rece iv ed standard, Qarl of the UCG gas products, rang es from 5. 72M J/Nm3 to 16. 161M J/Nm3 and the tem pe ra ture on the cy linder under regular operating s ituation v aries from 370℃to 420℃ . And a re liab le technical support is prov ided for the gene ra liza tion and application o f the g enerator se t of the underground coal gasification.


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基金项目: 煤炭加工与高效清洁利用教育部重点实验室开放基金( CPEUKF06 - 02)资助项目.
作者简介: 李传统( 1954-) , 教授, 博士, 主要从事新能源与可再生能源技术方面的教学与研究. E-m ail:lict2003@ hotm ai.l com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-29