 Zhang Zhongbin,Huang Hu.Comparison Between Methods of Performance Experiment of Positive Displacement Refrigerant Compressor Condensing Units[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2008,08(02):041-45.





Comparison Between Methods of Performance Experiment of Positive Displacement Refrigerant Compressor Condensing Units
南京师范大学动力工程学院, 江苏南京210042
Zhang ZhongbinHuang Hu
School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
分析 流图 容积式压缩冷凝机组 性能试验方法
exergy analysis cha rt o f exergy currency positive d isp lacem ent refr igeran t compresso r condensing units m ethods o f performance experim ent
Com pleteness and effic iency o f energy app lica tion ( Exergy Effic iency) are cons ide red from therm odynam ic aspec t, and m in imum inv estm ent and opera tiona l expenses from econom ic aspect. The tw o aspec ts are com prehensively taken into consideration in th is paper, and are used as the ev idence o f me thod adopted in the perform ance exper-i m en t o f po sitive d isplacem ent refr ige rant compresso r condensing units. Discussion is fo cused on the tw o w ide ly-app lied expe rim en tm ethods w ith secondary refrige rant ca lor im eter and w ith secondary flu id ca lor im eter, and ana lysis and com par ison a re m ade w ith the help o f the charts o f exergy currency. From the tw o aspects of therm odynam ics and econom ics, an integrated eva luation has been produced fo r them ethods of pe rfo rm ance experim ent of positive d isp lacement refrige rant com pressor condensing units, prov id ing ev idence, based on ex ergy ana ly sis, fo r choo sing m ethods o f pe rfo rm ance exper im ent o f positive displacem ent refr igerant com pressor condensing units.


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通讯联系人: 黄 虎, 副教授, 博士, 研究方向: 空调制冷系统与热泵. E-m ail:huanghu@ n jnu. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-24