 Zhang Yi,Yang Jiebiao,Tang Wenwen,et al.Impact of Operating Voltage on Performance of a Semiconductor Refrigerator[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2008,08(03):017-20.





Impact of Operating Voltage on Performance of a Semiconductor Refrigerator
南京师范大学动力工程学院, 江苏南京210042
Zhang YiYang JiebiaoTang WenwenWang Hui
School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
半导体制冷 工作电压 制冷量 制冷温度 制冷系数
sem -i conduc to r refr igeration operating vo ltag e re frigerating output refr ige ration temperatu re coeffic ient o f pe rfo rm ance( COP)
针对设计制造的水冷式半导体冷藏箱实验系统,通过实验测量及理论计算,研究了冷藏箱运行性能与半导体制冷片工作电压的关系.结果表明,工作电压越高,半导体耗电量越大.制冷片存在最大制冷量工况,制冷温度随着工作电压的增加而降低,12 V是半导体获得较大制冷量和较低制冷温度的最佳工作电压.半导体热端向冷端的导热量随工作电压的增加而增加,因此半导体在较低工作电压下具有更高的制冷系数.研究结果可为半导体冷藏箱选择合适的工作电压提供依据.
A sem iconductor refr igerato rw ith a w ater-coo led hot s ide w as designed and constructed to investigate impact o f operating vo ltag e on perform ance o f the refrige rato r. Re lationship be tw een perfo rmance o f the re fr igerator and operating vo ltage was ana lyzed by experim ental data and theo re tica l ca lcu la tion resu lts. Results show that e lectr ic ity consum ed by the re frigerator increases w ith operating voltage. The refr igerato r can reach low er temperature w ith higher operating vo l-t age. W hen the operating vo ltage is 12V, the refrig era to r can ach ieve highest re frigerating output and low est tem perature. The refr igerato r opera tes at lower COP level wh ile operating vo ltage is h igher. The results are usefu l for the design and operation of sem iconducto r re frigerator.


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基金项目: 江苏省普通高等学校自然科学研究计划( 06K JD480097)资助项目.
通讯联系人: 张 奕, 副教授. 研究方向: 建筑节能与储能. E-m ail:zhangyi@n jnu. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-24