 Wu Wei,Liu Zhaoliang,Chen Lei,et al.Performance Analysis on a Novel Solar Storage Heat Pump Water Heater Integrated With Collector/Storage/Evaporation[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2009,09(01):028-34.





Performance Analysis on a Novel Solar Storage Heat Pump Water Heater Integrated With Collector/Storage/Evaporation
南京师范大学动力工程学院, 江苏南京210042
Wu WeiLiu ZhaoliangChen LeiCheng QingZhao Liang
School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
蓄能型热水器 集热/蓄能/蒸发一体化 相变材料
storage type w ater hea ter co llector / storage /evapo ration in teg ration phase change m ater ia ls
A nove l so lar heat pum p w ater heater integrated w ith co llecto r, storage and evaporation is presented, and th is novel sy stem can reduce hea t ex chang ing losses and m anufac tur ing cost. By add ing phase changem a terials into the co l lector / sto rage / evapo ra to r, the so lar energy is stor ied as latent heat o f so lidliqu id phasem ater ia ls. By m ak ing use of the so lar ene rgy as lowtem pe rature source to produce hot w ater, the the rm al effic iency o f hea t pum p system can be signifi cantly increased; mo reover, the operating unstab ility o f the heat pump system caused by interva l so la r energy can be drastically so lved. Though the in itia l investm ent is increased, the system is be tter than the ex isting wa ter heaters in the m arket in term s o fw he ther sav ing energy or sav ing costs. Com pa red w ith the ex isting so lar energy storage heat pump w a ter heate r, the advan tages of low er cost, s imp lified system and h igher reliability wou ld br ing this nove l heat pum p w ater heater to be w ide ly app lied.


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基金项目: 江苏省高校自然科学基础研究( 07K JB480060)资助项目. 通讯联系人: 吴薇, 副教授, 研究方向: 制冷与节能技术. E-mai:lwuwei@njnu. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-23