 Qin Qin,Cai Yongxiang,Wang Minghua,et al.Study on the Optimum Mixed Culture Density of Silver Carp for High Production and High Efficiency Culture Mode of Yellow Catfish(Pelteobagrus fulvidraco)[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2009,09(01):078-83.





Study on the Optimum Mixed Culture Density of Silver Carp for High Production and High Efficiency Culture Mode of Yellow Catfish(Pelteobagrus fulvidraco)
江苏省淡水水产研究所, 江苏南京210017
Qin QinCai YongxiangWang MinghuaTang ShengkaiPeng GangBian Wenji
Freshwater Fisheries Research Institute of Jiangsu Province,Nanjing 210017,China
黄颡鱼 水质调控 高产高效 养殖模式
ye llow catfish ( Pelteobagrus fulv idraco) silver carp w ater quality control high production and h igh eff-i c iency culturem ode
通过开展黄颡鱼养殖池塘水质调控试验,研究黄颡鱼优质高效养殖模式鲢最适混养密度.在黄颡鱼养殖池塘安装围隔(3 m×9 m×1.7 m)6个,引入黄颡鱼养殖肥水,以不投放任何鱼类亦不投饵的围隔I为对照组,围隔II不投饵放养白鲢25.70 g/m 2,围隔Ⅲ~Ⅵ投饵养殖黄颡鱼4.8尾/m 2,并分别混养鲢鱼0、51.85、105.19、150 g/m 2.黄颡鱼平均规格为13.7±0.8g,鲢平均规格为157.0±8.5 g.监测浮游动物(ind./L)、浮游植物(mg/L)、叶绿素a Chla.(μg/L)、透明度SD(cm)、化学耗氧量CODMn(mg/L)、总氮TN(mg/L)、总磷TP(mg/L)等指标,并收集成活率、收获量等数据.综合试验结果可以得出:黄颡鱼养殖密度4.8尾/m 2、混养鲢密度105.19 g/m 2的养殖模式,水体Chla.、SD、TN、TP、CODMn指标与对照组相比差异不显著(P>0.05),水质环境良好;与其余养殖模式相比,其鲢生物量增幅最大,黄颡鱼成活率、增重率均最大,养殖产量高.
To investigate the optimum m ixed culture density of silver carp fo r high production and h igh e fficiency cu lture m ode of y ellow catfish ( Pe lteobag rus fu lv idraco), a tria l on app lication o f silver ca rp to water quality con tro l o f ye llow ca tfish culture pond w as carried out. Insta lled 6 enclosures ( 3 m x 9m x 11 7m ) in yellow ca tfish culture pond, and the rich w ater of y ellow catfish cu lturew as introduced. The first enclosure was contro l g roup, wh ich had no fish stock ing and ba it casting. Stocked 25.70 g /m2 silver ca rp in the second enclosure w ith no ba it casting. In the th ird to sixth enclosures, stocked 0、51. 85、105. 19、150 g /m2 silve r carp separa tely and cultured 418 ind. /m2 ye llow catfish w ith bait cas-t ing. The average size of ye llow catfish and s ilve r carp w ere 13.7± 0.8 g and 157. 0 ± 815 g. Zoop lankton( ind. /L), Phytoplankton( m g /L) , Ch la. ( Lg /L), SD( cm ), CODMn ( mg /L), TN ( m g /L), TP( m g /L) and som e o ther index es w ere detec ted, su rv iva l rate and ha rvest y ield were co llected as we l.l It can be concluded tha t: The cu lture m ode, in wh ich 418 ind. /m2 ye llow catfish and 105.19 g /m2 silver carp were stocked toge ther, w as eco log ica l env ironment be tter and farm ing yie ld higher, as thew ate r qua lity indexes on Ch la. , SD, TN, TP, CODMn o f its had no sign ificant d ifferences w ith those of the contro l group(P > 0.05), and the silver carp biom ass of inc rease and the surv iv a,l w e ight ga in ra tes o f yellow catfish of its w ere highest am ong four m ixed culturem odes.


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通讯联系人: 边文冀, 研究员, 研究方向: 水产动物遗传育种与养殖生态. E-m ail:JS6060@ s ina. com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-23