 Wang Bing,Wang Zhaowu.The Dynamic Analysis and Emulation Study of Paper Feed System[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2010,10(01):027-30.





The Dynamic Analysis and Emulation Study of Paper Feed System
王冰 王兆伍
南京林业大学机械电子工程学院, 江苏南京210037
Wang BingWang Zhaowu
College of Electronic and Mechanical Engineering,Nanjing Forest University,Nanjing 210037,China
复印机 进纸机构 滚动接触
copier paper feed ro lling contact
复印机的卡纸现象是影响复印速度的主要因素,卡纸问题也存在于传真机、ATM s、冲印机等介质传送系统中.为解决该问题,研究了复印机纸张在进纸机构中的动态行为,基于KONICA7045复印机的纸张进给机构,提出了纸张进给机构的几何模型并分析进给过程的接触力,利用多体系统动力学仿真软件RecurDyn,根据建立的复印机辊轮机构的几何模型,分析在此过程中纸张与胶辊之间的接触力,对不同进纸导轨角度的纸张运动速度进行仿真模拟.结果表明随着进纸导轨角度的增加,纸张进给平稳性下降,纸张容易发生卷曲,引发卡纸现象.
Paper jam is the m a in factor e ffecting the copy ve loc ity and th is prob lem a lso ex ists in m ed ia transfer system such as fax, ATM s, Film dev eloped machines e tc. Based on paper feed m echan ism of cop ierKON ICA7045, the geom etrym ode l of paper feed m echan ism is proposed and the process o f contact force is a lso ana lyzed. Geom etry mode l o f paper feeding is bu ilt in dynam ic software RecurDyn form ult-i sy stem. Contact fo rce betw een paper and rubbe r ro ll is analyzed. S imu lation resu lts for paper v elocities under d ifferent paper feed ang les are g iv en, and show that w ith the increasing o f pape r feed ang le, the stab ilization is decreased, curling and paper jam cou ld a lso be caused.


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基金项目: 田中机电有限公司合作项目( 021040034 ) . 通讯联系人: 王冰, 博士研究生, 研究方向: 机电一体化. E-mail:wangbing- 5@ 163. com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-02