Qin Yufang,Zeng Mingmin,Zhao Chunbao.Study on Synthesis of Waste Plastic PE-AA Water-absorbent Resin by Microwave Irradiation[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2012,12(03):080-84.
- 卷:
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- 栏目:
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- Title:
Study on Synthesis of Waste Plastic PE-AA Water-absorbent Resin by Microwave Irradiation
- 作者:
- Author(s):
Qin Yufang; Zeng Mingmin; Zhao Chunbao
Institute of Microelectronics,Nanjing College of Information Technology,Nanjing 210046,China
- 关键词:
吸水树脂; 引发剂; 吸收; 交联剂; 保水性
- Keywords:
water absorbent resin; initiator; adsorption; crosslinker; water retention
- 分类号:
- 摘要:
以废弃聚乙烯(PE)塑料与丙烯酸(AA)及其盐为原料,采用微波加热法接枝共聚合成一种吸水树脂.研究了引发剂用量、交联剂种类、AA中和度对树脂吸水率的影响,发现当引发剂用量为单体的4%、交联剂环氧氯丙烷用量为0.3%,中和度为86%时,吸水率达53.18 g/g.同时研究了树脂的重复吸水率及保水性,发现该树脂的重复吸水效果较好、保水性能良好.通过红外谱图分析,AA与PE成功接枝.
- Abstract:
PE-AA Water-absorbent Resin was synthesized with waste plastic PE and acrylic acid( AA) by microwave irradiation. This paper studies on the dosage of initiator,the kind of crosslinker,the effects of AA neutralization degree on water absorption rate. The water absorption rate was 53. 18 g /g,when the dosage of initiator of the mass monomers was 4%,and the crosslinker epoxy chloropropane( based on the mass of monomers) 0. 3%. Studies on the rate of repetition water absorption and water retention of resin found that the resin repetition absorbing effect and the water retention was good. By infrared spectrum analysis,AA and PE have been grafted.
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- 备注/Memo:
基金项目: 江苏省自然科学基金( BK2011838) 、南京信息职业技术学院院级横向科研基金( HX20110047) .通讯联系人: 秦玉芳,讲师,研究方向: 高分子材料. E-mail: qinyf@ njcit. cn
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