Sun Shaodong,Zhang Mengqun,Ma Xiang,et al.Study on Formation Mechanism of Blowholes in Nodular Cast Iron[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2012,12(04):078-81.
- 卷:
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- Title:
Study on Formation Mechanism of Blowholes in Nodular Cast Iron
- 作者:
孙少东1; 张孟群2; 马翔2; 何时剑1; 万苏文1
( 1. 淮安信息职业技术学院机电工程系,江苏淮安223003) ( 2. 南京大学现代分析中心,江苏南京210018)
- Author(s):
Sun Shaodong1; Zhang Mengqun2; Ma Xiang2; He Shijian1; Wan Suwen1
1.Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Department,Huaian College of Information Technology,Huaian 223003,China
- 关键词:
球墨铸铁; 皮下气孔; 气泡迁移; 石墨化膨胀; 氧化结膜
- Keywords:
nodular cast iron; subcutaneous blowhole; bubble transfer; graphitization expansion; oxide film
- 分类号:
- 摘要:
- Abstract:
The subcutaneous blowhole is one of defects in nodular cast iron,and its formation mechanism has no final conclusion in the area of foundry technology. Because non-metallic inclusion always transfers in metal liquid together with bubbles,we believe that determinations of magnesium in different inner parts of a casting will be helpful in analyzing the motion paths of bubbles migration. The testing results have shown that the magnesium content gradually increases from the surface to the center of the casting,and the oxide film has shown enrichment of magnesium and sulfur. Our study shows that the oxide films hinder the bubbles to transfer outward and those stranded bubbles form subcutaneous blowholes. Increasing of carbon equivalent will raise the graphitization expansion property, and in the meanwhile accelerate the bubbles transfer, so, the subcutaneous blowholes will be avoided.
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- 备注/Memo:
基金项目:淮安市产学研合作促进计划( HAC201023) .
通讯联系人:张孟群,工程师,研究方向: 金属材料. E-mail: zmq3693@126. Com
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