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 Han Wei,Gao Peng,Chen Yuru.The Primary Study of Resources of the Rare and Endangered Wild Ornamental Plants Evaluation System in Harney Wetland[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2013,13(01):086.





The Primary Study of Resources of the Rare and Endangered Wild Ornamental Plants Evaluation System in Harney Wetland
韩 巍1高 鹏1陈育如23
(1.江西省丰城市拖船中学,江西 丰城 331122) (2.南京师范大学生命科学学院,江苏 南京 210023) (3.南京师范大学泰州学院生物技术与化学工程学院,江苏 泰州 225300)
Han Wei1Gao Peng1Chen Yuru23
(1.Jiangxi Province Fengcheng City Tuochuan Middle School,Fengcheng 331122,China) (2.School of Life Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China) (3.School of Biotechnology and Chemical Engineering,Nanjing Normal University Taizhou College,,Taizhou 225300,China)
Harney wetlandwild ornamental plantsrare and endangeredevaluation
吉林省哈尼湿地属温带气候,野生观赏植物资源十分丰富.经过野外调查和文献查阅,首次建立了以蕴藏系数、保护缓急程度等9项指标在内的定量评价珍稀濒危观赏植物指标体系.研究结果表明,哈尼湿地受到生存威胁的观赏植物种类共有37科51属65种,其中急需保护的有15科18属21种,分别占科、属、种数的40.54%、35.29%、32.31%,代表种类主要有东北红豆杉、玉蝉花、平贝母、燕子花、刺楸、十字兰、花楸树、龙胆等; 需要保护的有17科18属20种,分别占科、属、种数的45.95%、35.29%、30.77%,代表种类主要有木通马兜铃、短梗五加、红松、款冬、桔梗、北马兜铃、金露梅、睡菜等; 一般保护的有17科21属24种,分别占科、属、种数的45.95%、41.18%、36.92%.
Harney wetland in Jinlin Province belongs to the temperate climate,and is extremely rich in the wild decorative plant resources.After analysis the pharmaceutical materials collected from the open for one year and based on other references,we built up an evaluation system containing coefficient,protection emergency degree and so on nine targets.The results showed that in Harney wetland,the endangered decorative plant types altogether have 37 families,51 genera,65 species.Taxus cuspidata,Iris ensata,Fritillaria ussuriensis,Iris laevigata,Kalopanax septemlobum,Habenaria sagittifera,Sorbus pohuashanensis,Gentiana scabra,Dryas octopetala var.asiatica etc.15 families,18 genera,21 species are in urgent need of protection,and the percentage to families,genera,and species are 40.54%,35.29%,32.31% respectively.Aristoloehia manshuriensis,Acanthopanax sessiliflorus,Pinus koraiensis,Tussilago farfara,Platycodon grandiflorum,Aristolochia contorta,Potentilla fruticosa,Menyanthes trifoliate,Trollius japonicus etc.17 families,18 genera,20 species belong to urgently protected specials and the percentage to families,genera,and species are 45.95%,35.29%,30.77% repectively.Fraxinus mandshurica,Acanthopanax senticosus Actinidia arguta,Tilia amurensis Oreorchis patens,Codonopsis pilosula,Cyprpedium guttatum,Schisandra chinensis,Paeonia obovata etc.17 families,21 genera,24 species belong to normally protected specials and the percentage to families,genera,and species are 45.95%,41.18%,36.92% respectively.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2013-03-31