[1]邱 雨,王延华,陈 西,等.句容小流域多环芳烃的沉积学记录及其源解析[J].南京师范大学学报(工程技术版),2020,20(01):066-75.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1672-1292.2020.01.010]
 Qiu Yu,Wang Yanhua,Chen Xi,et al.Sediment Records and Source Analysis of PolycyclicAromatic Hydrocarbons in Jurong Catchment[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2020,20(01):066-75.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1672-1292.2020.01.010]





Sediment Records and Source Analysis of PolycyclicAromatic Hydrocarbons in Jurong Catchment
邱 雨1王延华123陈 西1孙 恬1王方方1张茂恒13李春华4
(1.南京师范大学地理科学学院,江苏 南京 210023)(2.江苏省地理信息资源开发与利用协同创新中心,江苏 南京 210023)(3.南京师范大学虚拟地理环境教育部重点实验室,江苏 南京 210023)(4.中国环境科学研究院,北京 100012)
Qiu Yu1Wang Yanhua123Chen Xi1Sun Tian1Wang Fangfang1Zhang Maoheng13Li Chunhua4
(1.School of Geography,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application,Nanjing 210023,China)(3.Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environmen
Jurongsmall catchmentpolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonsvertical distributionsource identification
以位于经济发展迅速的秦淮河流域中的句容小流域为研究靶区,运用统计学方法及PMF模型手段对句容小流域多环芳烃(PAHs)进行源解析并初步评估其风险. 源解析结果表明,主成分和PMF模型分析的结果与分子比值法一致,都指示句容小流域PAHs主要来源于化石燃料高温燃烧,且第一输入源为尾气排放,第二输入源为煤炭燃烧. PMF模型的结果显示,小流域沉积物PAHs来源最多的是尾气(柴油和汽油燃烧)排放源(28.31%),其次为煤炭燃烧源(25.02%),之后依次为混合来源(14.83%)、焦炭燃烧源(14.60%)、石油燃烧源(12.07%)和生物质燃烧源(5.17%). 生态风险评价的结果显示,Ace、Ant和Flua 3种PAHs的浓度均值超出了生态效应区间低值的4.76、5.06和8.37倍,此外BaP和IcdP浓度的均值较高,存在生态风险. TEF的结果显示,小流域∑PAHs毒性当量浓度范围为3.29~757.77 ng/g,整体污染水平较高,BaP和IcdP的毒性当量浓度超过了100 ng/g,是句容小流域毒性当量的主要贡献.
In this study,Jurong small catchment,located in the Qinhuai River basin with rapid economic development,is taken as the research target area. Statistical analysis and the PMF model are used to analyze the sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs)in Jurong catchment and a preliminary assessment of their risks is studied. The results of principal component analysis and PMF model analysis are consistent with the molecular ratio method,indicating that the PAHs in the catchment are mainly derived from high-temperature combustion of fossil fuels. The first input source is deduced to be the exhaust gas emission,and the second one is the coal combustion. The result of the PMF model shows that the dominant sources are tail gas(diesel and gasoline combustion)(28.31%),followed by coal combustion(25.02%)and mixed sources(14.83%). Coke combustion source(14.60%),petroleum combustion source(12.07%)and biomass combustion source(5.17%)are also the contributors to the sedimentary PAHs. The result of ERL/ERM shows that the average concentration of three PAHs of Ace,Ant and Flua exceed the low value of ecological effect interval by 4.76,5.06 and 8.37 times. In addition,the mean values of BaP and IcdP are higher,and there is an ecological risk. The result of TEF shows that the toxic equivalent concentration of ∑PAHs in the catchment ranges from 3.29 to 757.77 ng/g,and the overall pollution level is higher. The toxic equivalent concentration of BaP and IcdP exceeds 100 ng/g,which is the main toxic equivalent of Jurong small catchment.


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通讯作者:王延华,博士,教授,博士生导师,研究方向:流域生态环境演变. E-mail:wangyanhua@njnu.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2020-03-15