 Hu Ronglin,Fu Haozhi,He Xuqin,et al.Multi-View 3D Reconstruction Based on Capsule Convolution Network[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2023,23(01):046-55,92.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1672-1292.2023.01.007]





Multi-View 3D Reconstruction Based on Capsule Convolution Network
(淮阴工学院计算机与软件工程学院,江苏 淮安 223003)
Hu RonglinFu HaozhiHe XuqinZhang XinxinLu Wenhao
(Faculty of Computer and Software Engineering,Huaiyin Institute of Technology,Huai'an 223003,China)
feature extraction network3D capsules networkdilated convolutiongroup convolutionmulti-view stereo matching
从深度神经网络对重建效果影响的角度,提出了基于胶囊卷积网络的多视图三维重建模型Caps-MVSNet,包括特征提取、构建代价体、代价体正则化、回归深度图和细化深度图5个阶段. 提出了FENet-T特征提取网络和3D-CapsCNN网络,并分别应用于模型的特征提取阶段和代价体正则化阶段. 其中,FENet-T利用高效的Block计数比率以及大尺度空洞卷积和分组卷积提高网络的特征提取效率. 3D-CapsCNN使用比卷积神经网络更强空间表示能力的3D胶囊网络来正则化代价体. Caps-MVSNet在DTU数据集上完成了效果测试,结果表明,与先前主流重建方法相比该模型在完整性上达到了最优结果,在准确性、整体性上均取得较大提升. 另外,与基准模型MVSNet相比,该模型在准确性、整体性和完整性上分别提高3.3%、4.9%和8.2%,参数量减少3.3%.
By exploring the influence of deep neural networks on the reconstruction effect, the paper proposes a multi-view 3D reconstruction model Caps-MVSNet based on a capsule convolutional network. Caps-MVSNet includes five stages:feature extraction, construction cost volume, cost volume regularization, regression depth map and refinement depth map. This paper focuses on the FENet-T feature extraction network and the 3D-CapsCNN network, which are used for the feature extraction stage and the cost volume regularization stage of the model, respectively. Among which, FENet-T uses an efficient block counting ratio, large-scale dilated convolutions and group convolutions to improve the feature extraction efficiency of the network. 3D-CapsCNN uses 3D capsule networks with a stronger spatial representation than convolutional neural networks to regularize the cost volume. Caps-MVSNet has completed the effect test with the DTU datasets. The results show that compared with the previous mainstream reconstruction methods(Colmap, Tola, Camp, Gipuma, Furu, SurfaceNet), the model proposed by this study achieves the optimum of the current reconstruction method in terms of integrity, and significantly improves the accuracy and completeness. Furthermore, it shows that compared to the model of MVSNet as benchmark, the accuracy, completeness and overall of the proposed model are improved by 3.3%, 4.9% and 8.2%, respectively, the number of parameters is reduced by 3.3%.


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通讯作者:胡荣林,博士,副教授,研究方向:人机交互技术. E-mail:huronglin@hyit.edu.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2023-03-15