 Shan Xiangnian.The Spring of Life Science[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2001,01(02):001-11.





The Spring of Life Science
东南大学医学院, 南京, 210009
Shan Xiangnian
Medical College of Southeast University,Nanjing,210009,PRC
HGP 后基因组计划 药物基因组学 比较基因组学
HGP Post -genome pr oject pharmacoge nomics Comparativ e g enomics
由于中、美、英、法、日、德等六国科学家的共同努力, 启动于1990 年的人类基因组计划( HGP) 在2000 年6 月完成了遗传图、物理图、序列图( 工作框架) , 并于2001 年2 月12 日公布了对人类的基因组( 由31. 674 亿个碱基对组成, 含有3 万到4 万个结构基因) 的分析. 这表明了人类结构基因组计划已初步完成, 并启动了后基因组( 也即功能基因组) 计划, 以揭示人类的出生、年龄、疾病和死亡的秘密.
首先, HGP 促进了医学领域的进步. 基因识别、基因治疗、基因药品以及药物基因组学渗透到了医学的每个角落. 通过分子生物学诊断和治疗人类疾病将成为普通的临床实践, 人类主宰自己命运的梦想将成为现实, 人们将健康而长寿的生活.
比较基因组学是另一个得益于HGP 的平稳运行和成功的领域. 迄今为止已对200 多种生物物种绘制了精度不同的遗传图和物理图, 其中一些已经完成了整个基因序列和遗传密码翻译, 特别是与人类生活联系紧密的经济类动植物. 动植物基因项目的完成将为高质高产地培养繁殖物种提供分子基础和方法. 同时, 随着比较基因组学的进步, 一些关系到生物分类和进化的疑点将得以解决.
生命科学所迈出的科技发展的第一步已庄严地展现在人们面前. 通过生物工业使我们的国家繁荣昌盛是人们的共同目标. 21 世纪是生命科学的世纪, 生命科学的春天将鼓舞每一个从事生命科学研究的科学工作者奋勇向前, 充分施展自己的才华, 迎接未来的挑战.
Owing to the joint effor t, by Chinese, American, English, Fr ench, Japanese and German scient ists, Genetic and phy sical maps as w ell as sequence map have been completed t he June of 2000 by HGP started in 1990. A preliminary analy sis has also been made by HGP that human g enome consists of 316. 74M b and 30 to 40 thousand structur al genes. It declar es both the accomplishment o f human structural genomics and the beg inning of post -genomic project , i. e. functional genomics. Scient ists are now wor king har d to r ev ealing the mysteries of humanps bir th, ag e, illness, and death.
First many changes have taken place in the m edical field driv en and pr ompted by HGP. Gene diag nosis, g ene therapy , g ene pharmacy, and pharmaceutical g enomics have penetr ated every corner o f medicine. It w ill be a common clinical practice t o diagnose and cur e humanps disease by molecular biolog y . T he dream that human can dominate his ow n fate w ill come true and people will live a much longer and healt hier life.
Compar ative g enomics is anot her field w hich benefits a lot fr om HGPps smooth oper ation and success. So far there are mor e than 200 species for which genetic and physical maps have been draw n with differ ent precision. The w hole genomic sequencing and co don translation hav e been accomplished fo r some of them, especially the eco nom ical animals and plants closely linked w ith hum anps life. The com pletio n of the animals and plantps genomic pr oject w ill prov ide mo lecular bases and methods for culturing breeds with top quality and high pr oduction. At the same time, w ith the pro gress of comparativ e genomics som e do ubts concerning bilolg ical sor ting and evolution w ill be so lved.
The dev elopment of science and technolog y w hich gives fir st place to life science has been g randly presented to public. I t is peopleps objective to make our countr y prosperous by biological industry . T he tw enty-first centur y is the century o f life science, and the spring of life science w ill inspir e ever y one engaged in life science resear ch to forg e ahead, g ive full play to his t alent and meet the futureps challenges.


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作者简介: 单祥年, 1937- , 东南大学医学院教授, 博士生导师, 南京师范大学兼职教授、博士生导师, 德国Ulm 大学客座教授, 中国遗传学会、中国医学遗传学会理事, 江苏省遗传学会副理事长, 江苏省医学遗传学会主任委员, 江苏省优生优育协会常务理事, 国际人类基因组组织( HUGO) 成员, 主要从事细胞遗传学、分子遗传学研究.
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-29