[1]陈 维,姚 杰.过碳酸钠中活性氧含量与红外光谱特征相关性分析[J].南京师范大学学报(工程技术版),2006,06(04):038-40.
 CHEN Wei~,YAO Jie~.Sodium Percarbonate:Analysis on IR Characteristic Spectra Correlation to Active Oxygen Content[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2006,06(04):038-40.





Sodium Percarbonate:Analysis on IR Characteristic Spectra Correlation to Active Oxygen Content
陈  维1 姚 杰2
1. 南京师范大学化学与环境科学学院; 2. 南京师范大学分析测试中心, 江苏南京210097
CHEN Wei~1YAO Jie~2
1.School of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China;2.Analysis and Testing Center,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
过碳酸钠 合成 活性氧含量 红外光谱法
sodium percarbonate synthesis active oxygen content in frared spectra
探讨了过碳酸钠的合成工艺和其红外光谱特性与活性氧含量的相关性.优化的工艺条件为:碳酸钠与过氧化氢的物质的量之比nNa2CO3.2H2O∶nH2O2=1∶1.44;合成温度10~15℃;合成与结晶时间10 m in;干燥温度小于等于80℃.在过碳酸钠的红外光谱中,2 054、1 879、1 560、952、856、714、695 cm-1的吸收峰归属为H2O2与Na2CO3加成时的特征峰.用红外光谱法可快速地跟踪过碳酸钠中过氧化氢的分解反应,可从954和1 560 cm-1峰的变化以及881 cm-1吸收峰的出现快速判定过碳酸钠中过氧化氢是否大量分解.利用856和714 cm-1处的峰高之比P=H856cm-1/H704cm-1可估计过碳酸钠中活性氧含量的高低,当比值P>1.25时,活性氧含量大于13.00%.
S tudies w ere perform ed on the process param eters fo r sod ium percarbonate synthesis and the corre lation betw een character istic IR Spectra and the ac tive oxygen content. The optim um cond itions for the pro cess are as fo-l lows: nN a2CO3· 2H 2 O :nH 2 O2 = 1:1.44; reaction tem pera ture of 10~ 15℃ ; reaction and crystallizing tim e of 10~ 15 m in; baking tem perature be low or equa l to 80℃ . A lso the cha racte ristic IR spec tra ( 2 054, 1 879, 1 560, 952, 856, 714, 695 cm - 1 ) cou ld be used to estim ate the active oxyg en content in the title percarbonate. Accord ing to the changes o f peaks at 954 and 1 560 cm- 1 and the appearance o f the peak a t 881 cm- 1, the deg ree ofH2O2 decom position in sod-i um percarbonate can be ev aluated. When the ratio of 856 to 714 cm - 1 is> 1.25, the active oxygen con tent in the title com pound is above 13. 00%.


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作者简介: 陈维( 1964-) , 实验师, 主要从事分析化学方面的教学与研究. E-ma il:ch enw ei@ n jnu. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-29