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Analytical Solution for the Heat Conduction Problem in a Compound Sphere and its Applications to an Incapsulated PCM
张 奕1 2 王子介1 张小松2 王 朋1 戴征舒1
1. 南京师范大学动力工程学院, 江苏南京210042; 2. 东南大学动力工程系, 江苏南京210096
Zhang Yi12Wang Zijie1Zhang Xiaosong2Wang Peng1Dai Zhengshu1
1.School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China;2.Department of Power Engineering,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China
复合球体 储能球体 非稳态导热 温度函数 温度曲线
com pound sphere therm a l storage sphere transient heat conduction temperature func tion tem pe ra ture curve
The transient energy equation o f a ho llow sphere filled w ith phase change m ater ial ( PCM ) used to store therm al energy is ana ly tica lly reso lved under the th ird boundary cond ition, w ith no phase change tak ing place. The tem perature func tion is resolved w ith a typical ice coo l storage sphere, and som e character istics o f the e igenva lue, and the va lue o f the index function are presented, w ith the C. 00 type of stored ice ba ll of a French company o f Cr istopia as an examp le. When w ater is in so lid state and liquid state, the tem pera ture curves o fw ate r and ice a re drawn at 3 typical tem peratures. Under the sam e heat transfer cond itions, it was found that the time needed fo rwa ter to freeze is m uch longe r than the tim e needed fo r ice tom e lt, and the tim e needed for them ost outsides o fw ater and ice to reach the phase change temperature are a lm ost the sam e. The tem perature fie ld in ice show s am ore sharp change than tha t in w ate r dur ing the sam e tim e. The ana lytical so lution can be used to resolve the transient conduction problem in a ho llow sphe re, and it can prov ide a standard fo r evaluating the results of som e approx im a tem ethods, such as integ ra l m ethods and nume ricalm e thods.


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基金项目: 国家自然科学基金( 50376052)、江苏省高校自然科学研究基金( 06KJD480097)资助项目.
作者简介: 张 奕( 1968-) , 副教授, 博士研究生, 主要从事建筑节能与储能的教学与研究. E-m ail:zhangyi@in jnu. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-29