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Experimental Study on Off-design Performance of a Heat Pipe Radiator
李奇贺1 赵孝保1 恽 超1 黄柒辉2
1. 南京师范大学动力工程学院, 江苏南京210042; 2. 无锡沃尔得精密工业有限公司, 江苏无锡214131
Li Qihe1Zhao Xiaobao1Yun Chao1Huang Qihui2
1.School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China;2.Wuxi Worde Precision Industry Co.,Ltd.,Wuxi 214131,China
热管散热器 变工况性能 实验研究
heat p ipe rad iato r of-f design perform ance exper imenta l study
In th is paper, the of-f design perform ance of a new type of hea t pipe rad iatorw as stud ied based on exper-i m en tal me thod. A a ir hand ling units in the artificia l env ironm en tal laborato ry w as used to regu late the env ironm ent tem perature ( co ld side in let tem pera ture o f the rad iator), and a e lec tric heaterw as used to regu late the tem pe ra ture o f hot side inlet o f the rad iator. The tem pera ture of co ld s ide inlet var ied from 5℃ to 41. 5℃ , the hot side inlet var ied from 20℃ to 55℃ , and the dispersed pow er o f the heat pipe radiato r varied from the difference in tem pe rature between the co ld in let and the hot inlet, and irre levan t to the temperature profile. H eat pipe filled at the rate o f 25% has better perform ance than the rate of 35% have been observed.


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基金项目: 江苏省自然科学基金( 2006222)资助项目.
作者简介: 李奇贺( 1972-) , 硕士, 实验师, 研究方向: 传热传质机理及设备. E-m ail:liq ihe@ n jnu. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-24