 Dai Xiajuan,Wang Ming.Application of the FFT Algorithm Associated With CZT in the Demodulation of Fabry-Perot Pressure Sensors[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2008,08(01):088-92.





Application of the FFT Algorithm Associated With CZT in the Demodulation of Fabry-Perot Pressure Sensors
南京师范大学光电技术江苏省重点实验室, 江苏南京210097
Dai XiajuanWang Ming
Jiangsu Key Lab of Opto-electronic Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
Fabry-Perot pressure sensors CZT MEMS
通过对法布里-珀罗(F-P)型压力传感器傅里叶解调法的理论分析,在FFT的基础上引入CZT(线性调频Z变换),以对传统的FFT算法进行改进.通过Matlab模拟解调,该联合算法相对误差仅为0.1%.在对测量范围为0~3 MPa的F-P腔MEMS压力传感器进行的解调试验中,当采用256点FFT变换和100点CZT变换时,其分辨率达到0.05 MPa,拟合度为0.99316.实验证明,FFT、CZT联合解调的方法可以达到较高的精度,满足实际需求.其计算量小、解调精度高的优点,使它具有解调传感器复用信号的潜力.
In th is paper, the FFT demodu lation m ethod o f Fabry-Pe rot pressure sensors theoreticly is ana lysed, and CZT ( ch irp z- translation) is introduced here on the basis of FFT to im prove the trad itiona l FFT algor ithm. In the s imu lation byM atlab, the re lative error of this new me thod is just 0. 1%, and in the experim ent of the demodu lation o f theM EMS Fabry-Pe ro t pressure sensor, w hosem etrica l range is from 0 to 3MPa, its reso lution reaches 0. 05M Pa and its linea rity achieves 0.993 16, where we use 256 do ts’ FFT and 100 dots’ CZT. The experim ent show tha t this new m ethod o f comb in ing FFT w ith CZT can reach a h ighe r prec is ion, m eets the practica l dem ands, and m ay be app lied in the dem odulation of mu ltip lexed senso rs fo r its h igher reso lution and less ca lculationa l quantum.


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基金项目: 国家自然科学基金( BG2003024)和江苏省高技术研究计划( BG2003024 )资助项目.
作者简介: 戴霞娟( 1982-) , 女, 硕士研究生, 研究方向: 光纤传感. E-m ail:dxjuan115@ sohu. com
通讯联系人: 王  鸣( 1950-) , 教授, 博士生导师, 研究方向: 激光应用与传感. E-m ail:w angm ing@ n jnu. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-24