 Li Weihua,Wang Zijie.Analyses of Summer BIN Weather Parameters of Nanjing City[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2008,08(03):035-38.





Analyses of Summer BIN Weather Parameters of Nanjing City
南京师范大学动力工程学院, 江苏南京210042
Li WeihuaWang Zijie
School of Power Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
建筑能耗 温频参数 典型气象年 空调设计
bu ilding ene rgy BIN param eter typ ica lm eteorolog ica l y ea r a ir cond itioning design
温频法是计算建筑能耗的一种简单稳态方法,需要可靠详细的温频参数.针对国内关于温频气象参数的研究相对缺乏的现状,逐时统计了南京市2004~2006年夏季的气象数据,并与典型气象年的B IN参数进行了比较.结果表明:南京市2004~2006年夏季每个温频段中的温度出现的小时数均高于典型气象年,建筑能耗分析需采用近期气象数据,南京市夏季空调室外计算温度偏低.结论为空调设计和建筑能耗分析提供了基础依据.
The B IN me thod, as one of s imp le steady statem ethods requ ires, re liab le and deta iled BIN data in orde r to ca lcu la te build ing energy consum ption. S ince the re is comparative ly lack o f the dom estic study o fB IN da ta, w e coun t the summ er wea ther da ta o fNanjing from 2004 to 2006 hour ly, and compare them w ith the B IN data of typ ica lm e teo ro log ical year. The result show s that the hours appearing in every BIN from 2004 to 2006 are m ore than in typicalm e teo ro log ical year in summ er of Nanjing, the outdoor design dry-bulb tem pe rature for summ er air condition ing of Nanjing is low, bu ilding energy ana lysis shou ld use the latestw eathe r da ta. The resu lts prov ide basic ev idence for a ir cond itioning design and bu ilding ene rgy ana lysis.


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基金项目: 南京师范大学“ 211”重点建设基金( 843202534)、南京师范大学居住建筑辐射空调研究( K11330CY75)资助项目.
通讯联系人: 王子介, 教授, 研究方向: 建筑节能. E-m ail:w z j_n jnu@ 263. net
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-24