 Zheng Shiming,Ren Zaian,Song Zilin,et al.Research on the Analysis of Semantic Queries Based on Ontology[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2008,08(04):063-67.





Research on the Analysis of Semantic Queries Based on Ontology
郑世明1 任在安2 宋自林1 邵荣明3 戴荣荣4 潘明聪5
1. 解放军理工大学指挥自动化学院, 江苏南京210007;
2. 解放军炮兵学院南京分院侦察教研室, 江苏南京211132;
3. 解放军沈阳炮兵学院海防侦察与射击教研室, 辽宁沈阳110162;
4. 解放军73666部队炮瞄教研室, 江苏南京211132;
5. 南京陆军指挥学院作战实验中心, 江苏南京210045
Zheng Shiming1Ren Zaian2Song Zilin1Shao Rongming3Dai Rongrong4Pan Mingcong5
1.Institute of Command Automation,PLA University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 211007,China;2.Reconnaissance Staff Room,Nanjing Artillery Academy of the PLA,Nanjing 211132,China3.Coast Defense Reconnaissance and Fire Staff Room,Shenyang Artillery Acad
本体 查询分析 语义 信息检索
onto logy analysis o f query sem antic in fo rm ation retr ieva l
Now search eng ines generally have the problem o f lower reca ll and prec is ion. Any sim ple query m ay return thousands o f resu lts fo r retrieva ,l but few o f resu lts re la tew ith the genuine requirem ent fo r the users. It is them ost part o f sem antic retrieval based on onto logy to dea lw ith the quer ies. A im ing at the shortage for ex isting m ethods in ana lysis o f query, this paper presents an a rithm eticw ith analysis of que ry which integrates the acceptation re lation and semantic corre lative analysis, proposes an arithm etic based on calcu lation o f s im ila rity, ana ly ses the acceptation charac teristic o f keyw ords and the acceptation co rre lative intensity be tw een ontology instances that users input into the sy stem, im proves the reca ll and prec is ion o f them app ing from keyw ords inputted by users to onto logy concept, ensures the sem antic coherence betw een query and retrieval language, and promo tes the satisfaction for que ry ing.


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通讯联系人: 郑世明, 博士研究生, 研究方向: 数据挖掘、语义检索. E-m ail:zhengsh im ingnan jing@ 126. com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-24