 Hao Yongfang,Su Keqing,W ang De jun.Research on RemovableMedia Booting Technology[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2008,08(04):190-194.





Research on RemovableMedia Booting Technology
郝永芳1 苏克青2 王德军2
 1. 武汉大学网络中心, 湖北武汉430072; 2. 武汉大学计算机学院, 湖北武汉430072
Hao Yongfang1 Su Keqing2 W ang De jun2
1. N etw ork and Inform at ion C enter, WuhanUn ivers ity, Wuhan 430072, Ch ina; 2. Schoo l ofC om pu ter S cience, Wuhan Un ivers ity, Wuhan 430072, Ch ina
主引导扇区 引导加载器 W indow s预安装环境 备份恢复 裸机恢复
m aster boo t record boot loader W indow s PE backup and recovery bare-m eta recove ry
为解决裸机系统恢复中的移动介质引导问题, 提出了一种基于W inPE 的USB 移动介质引导平台方案. 该方案在 USB介质引导扇区写入引导加载器, 实现操作系统加载功能; 对W inPE环境进行精简, 提高移动介质引导的性能; 增加通用驱动库和特殊硬件驱动, 实现W inPE 对广泛硬件平台的支持; 最后通过实现定制工具(W inPEu sb - maker) , 实现USB引导介质的自动生成. 实验结果表明该平台硬件兼容性好、启动速度快、使用方便、定制灵活.
To so lve the problem o f rem ovab le m ed ia boo ting for bare-m eta recovery, we propo se aUSB D isk boo ting solu tion based onW indow s PE. By injecting boot- loader in the boot sector of USB D isk, the USB D isk is m ade boo tab le, and by optim izing theW inPE, theW inPE is mode to boo t faste r, and by add ing un iversa l hardw are-driver library and spec ia l hardw are drive r, the boot platfo rm ism ade to suppo rt ex tensive hardware p la tform, and lastly, by im plem enting a tool ca lledW inPEusb-m aker, the autom a tic generation o f USB boo ting m ed ia is rea lized. The experim ent resu lt show s tha t the booting platfo rm has the feature o f better com pa tibility w ith hardw are platform, boo ting faster, easier to use and m ore flex ib le to custom ize.


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基金项目: 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划( 90718006 )、教育部科学技术重点研究( 108087)和湖北省科技攻关项目( 2007AA101C44 )资助项目.
通讯联系人: 郝永芳, 工程师, 硕士, 研究方向: 容灾备份和信息安全. E-m ail:H aoy@f w hu. deu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-07-22