 Huang Fengliang,Feng Li,Xia Chunmei,et al.Improving Design on ZCY-I Integrated-Sensor-Test-Apparatus[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Engineering and Technology),2009,09(04):001-5.





Improving Design on ZCY-I Integrated-Sensor-Test-Apparatus
南京师范大学电气与自动化工程学院, 江苏南京210042
Huang FengliangFeng LiXia ChunmeiWu WentingWu FeiXu Ming
School of Electrical and Automation Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210042,China
改进设计 传感器实验仪 电路切换 继电器
im prov ing design sensor-test-apparatus circu it sw itch ing re lay
针对ZCY-Ⅰ型综合传感器实验仪使用中存在的不足,提出了改进设计的方法;以金属箔片式传感器(单臂、半桥、全桥)实验、电容传感器实验以及霍尔传感器实验为例,对实验仪进行了改进设计,并以电容式传感器实验为例,给出了改进后传感器实验仪原理机.实际测试结果表明:改进后实验仪操作简单明了、接线清晰整洁、各接线孔独立、各实验独立;与现有实验仪相比,测试数据绝对误差小于1 mv、相对误差小于2.7%,在确保了现有实验仪功能的同时,解决了现有传感器实验仪使用中存在的不足.
A m ethod is proposed to improv e the ZCY-Ñ integ rated-sensor-test-apparatus for overcom ing the sho rtcom ing s in its usage. Based on the m ethod, the im prov ing design is done for three k inds o f exper im ents w hich are them eta l fo il senso r experim ent, capacitance senso r experim ent and H all senso r expe rim en t. And theW hea tstone br idg e, H a l-f bridge and Ful-l br idge are included in them eta l fo il senso r exper im ent. A s an examp le, the pro totype of the capacitance sensor experim ent is g iven. The exper iment result show s that it is easy and sim ple to operate the im proved appara tus, it is c lear and c lean to connect those c ircuits, it is independent to use each w iring ho le in different exper iments, it is less than 1 mv tha t the abso lute e rror o f test da ta and it is less than 217% that the re lative e rror o f test data to com pare w ith the form er test apparatus. The improved design ensures the ex isting function and overcom es the sho rtcom ings o f ex isting sensor test apparatus.


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基金项目: 国家自然科学基金( 60202012)、江苏省高等教育教改研究课题资助项目.
通讯联系人: 黄凤良, 博士, 教授, 研究方向: 自动测试技术与智能化测试系统、软测试技术. E-m ail:lhuangfengliang@ n jnu. edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-23